... I-China Micro brushless DC motor BLDC motor Manufacture and Factory |I-JIUYUAN

I-Micro brushless DC motor BLDC motor

Amakesi emoto encane ye-BLDC brushless motor:ipompo yomoya/i-brushless motor cooling fan/umshini wekhofi/massager/humidifier/air cleaner/air purifier/water pump/cross flow fan/grill.Impilo ende nokusebenza okuthule kakhulu kuyinzuzo evamile yalokhu i-rotor yangaphandle ye-brushless motor.

  • Isikhathi esiholayo:

    Izinsuku ezingu-15
  • Umsuka Womkhiqizo:

  • Imbobo yokuthutha:

  • Inkokhelo:

  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

 5V/12V/24VI-BLDC rotor yangaphandle micro DC brushless motor


Incazelokwe-3725bldc rotor yangaphandle brushless motor

Irotha yangaphandlekanye nosayizi ohlangene yizici ezijwayelekile zale moto encane ye-BLDC brushless.Igobolondo le-motor lihlangana nekazibuthe unomphela kanye shaft kuyinto rotor.Ibhodi lesifunda lokulawula lakhiwe kumotho ene-IC control control.Ubukhulu bohlaka lwale motor brushless DC buyi-Φ32*25mm.

Izicelo Ezijwayelekile
of encane I-DC brushless motor

● I-Humidifier
● Isicoci Somoya
● I-Massager
● Iphampu yamanzi
● Ifeni yokupholisa

● I-Cross flow fan

● umshini wekhofi


Ukusebenza Okuyinhlokoofbldc umgijimi wangaphandle brushless motor

Umshayeli owakhelwe ngaphakathi

● Ukuzungezisa: CW noma i-CCW noma i-CW/CCW

Umsebenzi ozikhethela wona: PWM, FG,RD

● Uhlobo lwe-Optinoal Bearing: ama-sleeve bearings amabili, umkhono owodwaukuzala kanye nebhola elilodwa,amabhola amabili

●Awushadileisigabafuthi ezintathuisigabaingakhethwa


● ISO9001:2015 isitifiketi
● Uhlelo lokuphatha olujwayelekile lwe-ERP



a.Phendula ngokushesha emahoreni angama-24 bese unikeza ikhotheshini emahoreni angama-24-72 ngokuya ngenani lemikhiqizo ecashuniwe.
b.Ukuhlaziywa komklamo oqinile kunikezwa mahhala kuzo zonke izingcaphuno zomshini, okunikeza impendulo ngezinkinga ezingaba khona futhi kunikeze nezixazululo ezisheshayo.
c.Onjiniyela abakhona ukuze baxoxe ngezinselele zokuklama/zokukhiqiza futhi banikeze ukwesekwa.Sikusiza ukuthi usheshise ingxenye yokukhiqiza futhi wonge izindleko.
I-d.JIUYUAN ingumkhiqizi onekhono wangempela, ochwepheshe, othembekile, ofudumele futhi ocabangelayo.


Imodeli Ikaliwe Vol. Ikalwe okwamanje Amandla Okufaka Isivinini esilinganiselwe Umsindo Isisindo
(V) (A) (W) (RPM) (dBA) (g)
3225 5 0.12 0.6 3000 <35 50
3225 12 0.1 1.2 4500 <35
3225 24 0.2 4.8 5500 <35

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